All staff of licensed child care programs and registered family day care homes are required to have 10 clock hours of professional development training each year. Ask about our Super Saturday Training where you can earn 6 hours in one day
Georgia Approved Trainer
Georgia Training Approval, a component of the Georgia Early Care and Education Professional Development System, ensures the availability of high quality standards, training and professional development for teachers of young children and school age children in afterschool care.
Child Development Associate (CDA) Credentialing Program
This dynamic and interactive 120 hour CDA Training Course meets the Council for Professional Recognition's criteria for achieving the National CDA Credential.
Hygiene 101
This course outlines the state standards for infectious disease prevention, outlines what causes and how we transmit diseases person to person and how to utilize proper hand washing and diapering techniques.
Mandated Reporting and Abuse Prevention
This course discusses child abuse detection and reporting in accordance with Georgia Mandated Reporter laws.
Think Safety
This course outlines the state standards for infectious disease prevention, outlines what causes and how we transmit diseases person to person and how to utilize proper hand washing and diapering techniques.