What is a PD Specialist?
The Council Representative and Advisor roles have been converted into one role - the CDA Professional Development (PD) Specialist. The PD Specialist adopts many of the tasks of Rep and Advisor, maximizing the skills, knowledge and experience of advanced early childhood professionals to better utilize their time and skills for each Candidate.
The PD Specialist is the professional who verifies the educational documentation, observes the Candidate's application of ECE best practices and expertise in the classroom or family childcare program, as well as facilitates the Candidate's self-reflection of the professional development process – a perfect fit for those who have previously served as Council Reps.
What is the PD Specialist responsible for?
The CDA PD Specialist is responsible for completing the CDA Verification Visit with the Candidate. The PD Specialist reviews the Candidate's documentation, observes the Candidate while working with children, and conducts a reflective dialogue with the Candidate. At the end of the Verification Visit, the PD Specialist electronically submits the Candidate's scores to the Council via the Scoring Tool in the PDS Portal.
When are the PD Specialists expected to observe Candidates?
The PDS should check their Scoring Tool often. Once a Candidate appears, they are Reay to Schedule and can proceed with scheduling the Verification Visit.
The Observation takes place on the regular program day during a mutually agreed upon time period, when the PD Specialist will have the greatest opportunity to observe the Candidate as the primary caregiver working with a group of children.
What is the ROR Model?
"R.O.R." stands for Review, Observe, and Reflect. These are the tasks undertaken by the CDA Professional Development Specialist. They contribute to the assessment of the Candidate's competency.
During the Verification Visit, the Specialist:
Reviews the contents of the Professional Portfolio, the training transcripts/certificates and Parent Questionnaires
Observes the Candidate working with children, recording criterion evidence where applicable, and
Reflects with the Candidate, focusing on the Candidate's areas of strength or growth found in the Portfolio and/or seen in the Observation