Customized Employment is a flexible process designed to personalize the employment relationship between a job seeker and an employer in a way that meets the needs of both.
This results in a customized job that will meet the needs that the individual has for employment, and the conditions necessary for his/her success. It also meet the needs that the business has for valued, contributing employees. This differs from the typical employment practices, which aim first to successfully place job seekers within the context of competitive hiring processes and then to provide supports as needed to maintain employment.
This can only be successful if the job seeker is treated as an individual who is free to make choices about his/her life's direction; and is afforded respect and dignity. This is assumed to have competencies that, if not readily obvious, can be discovered. It also gives access in natural settings with minimal intrusion; and is provided with high quality employment opportunities and services.
Some key components are as follows:
Discovery - Gathering information from the job seeker and the CE support team to determine the job seeker's interests, skills, and preferences related to potential employment that guide the development of a customized job.
Job Search Planning - Using the information learned about an individual job seeker in Discovery to develop a plan toward a meaningful employment and to determine a list of potential employers.
Job Development/Negotiation - Working collaboratively with the individual and the employer to negotiate a customized job, including the provision of supports, and the terms of employment that will match the individual's interests and skills, conditions necessary for success, specific contributions and will fill the unmet needs of an employer. - Setting up on-going post-placement
Post Placement - supports and monitoring the employment relationship to ensure satisfaction of both the individual and the employer.