IMPACT Pre-service Facilitator
IMPACT consists of twenty (20) one-hour modules covering the following broad topic areas: The Fostering/Adopting Process; Emotional/Cognitive and Behavioral Implications in Fostering/Adopting; Sexuality and Sexual Orientation; Communication and Partnership; and Identity and Cultural Issues.
Home studies
This evaluation includes documentation that the family meets all the above requirements. During this process the case manager will make at least two home visits to gather any additional information and to assess the home safety requirements.
Child Advocacy (IEP)
Educational and Advocacy services to assist parents and professionals in understanding and negotiating the educational system. Programs include: Special Education, 504 Plans, SST & NCLB and IEP Meeting Support
Autism Program that develops the concept of the “Culture of Autism” as a way of thinking about the characteristic patterns of thinking and behavior seen in individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD).
Behavior Specialist - provided comprehensive assessment and support in the area of anger management, impulse control and overall area of aggression in learners with Autism.
Parenting Programs
This is the program that started it all. A Parent’s Guide to Changing Destructive Adolescent Behavior (CDAB) is the only parent training program that addresses the MOST destructive of adolescent behaviors. Now in its eleventh edition, CDAB has become the program of choice for parents raising difficult or out-of-control teens. The American Bar Association’s Center on Children and the Law, named the Parent Project the largest court mandated juvenile diversion program in the country. With a focus on improving both school attendance and performance, CDAB has become a favorite of middle and high school educators as well.