BT Solutions LLC



Child Advocacy (IEP)

It is our  belief that every child has the right to high-quality education and an equal opportunity to achieve his or her full academic potential. States, school districts and schools have an obligations under federal and state law to ensure that each student receives an individualized education that prepares them for work, college, and participation in his or her chosen community.

 Every child has the right to high-quality education and an equal opportunity to achieve his or her full academic potential. Here at BT Solutions, We provide exceptional advocacy services to assist parents and professionals in understanding the educational system. Our services include :

504 Plans
IEP Meeting Support.

For a child on the autism spectrum, the IEP (Individualized Education Program) is the most important document in their school file. Having an IEP that comprehensively addresses all of the child’s academic and functional needs is critical to the child’s success in school and future development. Developing an effective IEP for children with autism presents additional challenges because schools are often reluctant to provide the intensity of services the child needs due to financial and staffing limitations.

Since the IEP is developed in an IEP meeting, it is imperative that you do not attend blindly, you must have a strategy going into that meeting if you hope to develop the plan that most benefits your child needs. Call us today to schedule a free consultation we will sit down with you go over all your concerns and prepare a plan of action that is tailored for your child needs.

 • If you want to know what your rights are under the law in layman’s terms, we can help.
• If you need someone to go with you into meetings, we can help.
• Knowledgeable school districts and team members often welcome the help of our advocates.

 Call us today to schedule a free consultation, we will sit down with you go over all your concerns and prepare a plan of action that is tailored for your child needs.